We are happy that you have joined us!
Together we can help our planet to make it cleaner and better place for us and animals.
Also, I hope you will have a lot of fun!

What are the 3Rs?

Watch the video below and read the explanation.
At the bottom of the page there is an award for you –
cool RAP music about Reduce, Reuse, Recycle!

Watch the videos below to understand what the 3Rs are about 🙂


Save water and electricity when possible.

Don’t buy so many toys.

Walk and ride your bike or skateboard when possible 🙂


Try using old things to create new ones. It can be really fun! 🙂

For example, you can make greeting cards with old decorations or a flowerpot with an old can.

Use reusable bags and water bottles.


Put paper, glass and plastic into special containers, so that they can be gathered and used again.

Keep in mind, that only about 39% of what we separate, actually gets recycled, so the other 2Rs are very important too!


Now you know what the 3Rs are about!
As an award, here is a great RAP song for you!

Video Source: Numberock

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